
All the latest updates on the Transformational process

and my personal experience

04. 24.2024
Full Moon Special

Every full moon is special and every full moon  gives us opportunities to look inword from a different point of view, pushing us taking that brave step towords  Action

This incredible feminine pink energy seams willing each of us on the right  track as a wise Mother sometimes gently, sometimes severely

That's how I feel it

Much Loveđź’Ą


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Februar 2024

Create the fantastic Life you deserve

This new year it started with an  introspective and intense time within my self, deepening some practical known about conscious Manifestation

How is Life I created around me, do I like it? Do I live my dreams?
And If not, why, what happens? What is it that I 'm missing? Is there some kind of Resistance or Limiting Beliefs blocking my self manifesting my Dreams?
Of course when you begin to align your self with new paradigms
and you  begin to look deeper and deeper you always go WITHIN first... "heal your self to heal others"
And so, of course I have found something unexpected  to heal... an old hidden issue on "Abundance/ Scarcity " a limiting Belief related to  my Family's  Money-Story and what I considered already completely cleared
. Of course Abundance  has  not only to do with Money but
, with Friends, Beauty, Passion, Love, Dreams, Joy, Creativity, Harmony.. fulfilled Life.
Illuminating that  limiting Beliefs caused in me an emotional chain reaction. Recalled  my core Abandonment Wound,  when as little girl I have lost my Mum... and yes I  realised  how deep  the connection was between Abandonment and the sense of Lack or Scarcity I felt many times
It wasn't so pretty to look at, to feel it, not at all....but after that aha moment that bond starts to solve faster and faster under my Eyes
And I began to set myself  free, free  from that particular Limiting Belief stuck  in the shadow,  in my energy field and what does't serve me anymore
I 'm so grateful  my Friends

Limiting Beliefs can stop us to reach our higher Potential Lifestyle and our Dreams. Limiting Beliefs can stop us in creating the fantastic Life we deserve and jet can't even immagine
What about you, are you feeling stuck in some areas of your journey? Are you willing to know why and overcome that issue? Are you willing to look at possible existing Limiting Belief in you? Are you willing to flow again in your Path of limitless possibilities?
Please join me  here if you feel is for you


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December 2023

End of Year Meditation

My  yoga teacher in Berlin was used to invite  and guide us in a very effective end-of-year meditation which, month after month, marked the most salient past events for each of us

Emotions and experiences of various types thus come to mind accompanied by sensations, emotions, flavours

I was surprised every time by the sometimes unexpected memories that my body, spirit and mind gave me back. And it was always really useful for me to review, reprogram and alchemize that experience which, whatever it was, was mine, intimate and at last  had been for me and not against me

This is why since then and in my own way, I continue doing it every single year, for myself, for friends and for anyone who wants to participate

Summarize and alchemize your 2023 will be held online from home on December 23rd at 10:00 Am PST or whenever you want if you are unable to participate live and decide to use the recording that I will send you

Happy Holidays

Sonia đź’Ą

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November 2023

How can I help the World now?

In time of crises and big changes like we see now in the world, might we ask our self what’s going on and particularly how can we help?

Recently I have been asking my self too, how can I help the most people the most?

And the first answer come in my mind was : ”surely I am helping nobody if I become judgemental  and part of this main, sad and fear based deconstructive template”.

In fact  when we are trying to figure out whom is right whom is wrong..often we are giving our energy to the conflict and to division’s  Paradigm and unfortunately  not to Peace. Engaging in social-political discussions could be very bitter and again, do am I really helping someone in this way? Of course there are some people who are here for that, to engage and  find peaceful solutions because that is what they can do, their mission

So, the answer I have found for myself at this moment on time is: You can really help if you offer what you  do better  in your Life

1 Couching people, giving Readings, spreading Harmonic meditations and so teaching to Relax and changing in a more positive state of mind

2 Spreading Love, compassion  and kindness in everyday Life

3 Feeling union with all, living and spreading joy and beauty

4 Being aligned with my soul purpose

5 Listening and trust  my high vibrational Guidens (without a body),

6 Staying in a positive and full gratitude energy state

7 Focusing on the fantastic new Earth future in front of us

8 and yes also  playing Music live or as dj  to spread good vibes around  :)

So my Friends, have you being questioning your self too about it? How  can you help the most people the most?

This Topic is the  focus of my current Psychic Reading  if you like join  me

How can I help the World



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September 2023

Happy Autumn my friends,
hopefully you had a regenerating Summer far from big and hot fires

For me  it was quite intense because after my father's transition on February, we had to give the last goodbye to our  family's  home. Full of things and memories to let go. I had beautiful days on the sea too, that helped to balance out

It was a little bit of cutting roots, cutting cords, healing, healing, healing, closing a chapter  and opening a brand new one. And no parents to relate with anymore

I am still navigating the vertical shift of the wave and I have to say how truly grateful I am to have  those good tools ... Oh yes truly grateful

So what next for you? I thought after so many silent weeks I come back to you with some goody  ^_^

You can Book for only 35 USD until October 1 
Autumn Special


July 2023

Harmonic Meditation live August 1

Dear All,

the Healing Power of   sound's energy it's incredible strong. Immagine an energetic high frequency kick on all your Chakras which can align you and your energetic field only in one harmonic session.

The power become stronger when by doing it we are in a meditation state using all our good intention and it multiplies even more its result when we are more people  all together in the some moment. 

Like a big pillar of light expanding its beautiful brightness all over Earth and beyond,  we expand our energetic frequencies towards  several higher states of awareness.

So, would you like to experience that  with me and other light worker like you and flow to a more harmonic state of mind?

We will meet online August 1 at 7PM US Time: Book Live Harmonic Meditation

And if you miss it you will get the live Recording one day later.

Best from very hot Sicily



Healing Traumas with Merlin's Orb  05.26.2023

New Healing Technique I have received directly from the King of transmutation: Merlin

Too often Traumas (from this or past Lifes) are hiding their self so deep in our subconscious 

to create in us "Limiting Beliefs" about our self 

The Beliefs to be never enough, always late, mediocre, not worthy and  not deserve Love for example are Limiting Beliefs that inhibit our potential and our choices in every day's Life

Merlin have shown me how to transmute instantaneously Our past Traumas using his Orb

So fast and nearly joyful with no need to live "that" experience again 

It's a powerful way to speed the process of self Transformation and Expansion

It works easily and profoundly in about 45 min

and repeatable, if necessary whenever you want, thanks to the recording you will receive

You can book here Healing with Merlin

much Love



Equinox Special March 5, 2023

Spring time it is  now my friends and so we are more and more reaching our complite and best personal  Power 

One way to become the best version  of our self

Is to spend time to cultivate our passions, our gifts and having fun by doing it !

We can feel good now and change our mood whenever we want

That's how we can raise our vibrations and attract ( like in front of a mirror ) abundance, joy and Love

We become Love because we are Love

Love is our naturale state

And only when we forget that we feel discomfort or sadness 

So get your power back in your hands and do not delegate your joy to any external person or situation

March is all about that to me


Sonia đź’Ą

And I f you need help Equinox special

New service on Angeltone Readings Transition Aid 


Februar 15, 2023

Transition aid

Since we were children we all hear about death.

I remember that one of my first existential questions, perhaps at the age of 7, was precisely: what are we born to do if we then have to die?

My mother remained silent for a few moments before finding the right answer to give me.

Yes, we all know that one day we will have to leave our body and depending on everyone's beliefs and traditions, we imagine if we will have to "die" at all, be reborn or something else.

So I wonder how it is possible that in our Western culture, despite the awareness that it could happen to each of us at any moment, so little is said about death, as if it were really a taboo and an evil that could be avoided.

And just so it happens to find yourself having to face your own passing or that of a loved one and be completely unprepared, acc.

Last Christmas 2022 something similar happened to my dear elderly father who suddenly lost the use of his legs and from that moment his tired body seemed to gradually shut down. It literally shuts down, losing every moment spent a little of its lymph and its vital energy, emptying itself and finally becoming just an inanimate shell.

From the first day of his drastic physical change, my sisters and I have been by his side, gradually adapting to his ever more changing and complex needs and thus trying to allow him as easy, light and benevolent a stay as possible without being too aggressive.

From the impossibility of walking and therefore of being self-sufficient, to difficulty swallowing. From respiratory insufficiency to skin sores caused by forced immobility and formed despite all the precautions taken… From his constant request for help at night, to rectal organ haemorrhages… In short, dad Vittorio, a big man 1.76 cm tall, long-limbed from long legs and slender toes…it seemed to get smaller every day before our eyes.

My father believed in his Christian God but I think he never found him intimately and deeply, like perhaps most of the people here in the West. So, at the end of his journey he didn't know what to "expect" and even when I tried to talk to him several times about it, he who usually listened to me, had great resistance on this issue. He nodded but only gave me a very few moments… then the habit of avoiding the annoying “Death” theme would take over and he would drastically revert to practical 3D.

Although he saw his body slowly stop and "no longer function", he remained tied to that existence of his, a person, the only one he seemed to know, recognize and remember. And as if hanging by a single thin thread, he didn't want to give up.

It was then that my sister and I, with the dear help of a few other spiritually minded friends, felt we had to intervene.

But this time on another level. On a subtle level, to help himself to make up his mind and abandon his tormented body and finally leave fear behind by instead relying on universal forces until then still unknown to him.

Last Sunday, February 12, our dearest father Vittorio who had remained in his home, passed naturally away peacefully thanks to the definitive guide (familiar to him): my Mother, who lovingly literally came to pick him up. Yes, as in many grandmothers' tales.

A strong, transformative experience of love, of vicissitudes, of strong emotions from past and present, of anger, of clarification, of important decisions, of pain and effort, of joy, of sadness, but always of love , of love and of love.

Now I see him above smiling lightly but still incredulous!

That's why after these intense 7 weeks I feel guided to share this experience with you and to offer my help to anyone who needs it for themselves or others, or to anyone who simply wants to know more about.



Book Transition Aid


December 26, 2022

The big leap forward

In these festive days many of us feel overwhelmed by many emotions (like me in the last few days).. emotions that are not always pleasant. We always experience spiral cycles that sometimes seem to repeat themselves exactly and so even when we thought we had gone further and solved it. But here we are again, those themes, those sensations.. those emotions that make us suffer again It's true they look the same and maybe they are even stronger.. but not the cycle, be sure that it's different, it's never exactly the same. But how, just when we thought we were fine and had solved so much, why, why? Imagine having emptied a cellar of old junk and finally freed it. Here is your emotional unconscious.. Do you know what happens when the cellar is completely empty? The footprints remain on the floor, on the walls, in the most hidden corners.. the footprints of all that stuff which, even if it is no longer there, has nevertheless left some still evident marks So when the completely emptied old cellar is finally lit up… the shadows, the signs, the footprints if you like resurface Here, those shadows are illuminated and made visible as well as those annoying emotions of before ... but know that most of it has been done and you just need to be aware of it and not feel "attached" to those shadows, you do not identify with them but consider them only echoes from the past. Stay present just observe them without judging them and without being overwhelmed as if there was no tomorrow :) It is said that before the resolution and any evolution it seems as we take a step back (getting wars before getting better) ONE STEP BACK before the big leap forward. So try not to dramatize, they are just shadows of past echoes. Happy New Year everyone! Sonia

Book with discount up to 01.01.23


Happy Holydays 12.22.22

Cymatics, sound made visible, reminds us that everything vibrates, we vibrate, emit and receive frequencies, always. With our thoughts, emotions, moods we are made of frequencies. But what happens when bad thoughts have become perhaps obsessive or external situations transform and "ruin" our most harmonious and pleasant frequencies? Let's simply remember that each of us has the POWER to change these frequencies NOW! For our own good and for the good of those around us TUNE IN therefore with positive thoughts, fun, dreams, beauty,go into nature, dance, listen to your favorite song, sing, draw, write, play. Train yourself to RESONATE with what YOU WANT and not with what happens to you. Ask yourself, who or what are you delegating your strength and energy to? It is a method and like all methods it can be practiced and trained, you just have to want it and start. Listen to yourself and if you don't like what you hear, start right away!

Happy holidays everyone!

Learn more about Cymatics here

Book with discount up to 01.01.23

1111Special November 2022
How are you my Friend?
Are you feeling the urgency of a big change in your private Life or at work, but you are not sure jet how and what to do?
Or may you find your self in the middle of it and you are a bit scared or unsure to make the right thing
Anyhow your intuition is very loud right now and you can’t ignore it anymore…your Dreams, your Soul is calling

they want become your Reality and you can’t resiste anymore
Big changes seams difficult to be done but they are the promise of a better version of self my friend

Sonia đź’Ą


Know your contract September 2022

About two weeks ago, my left sciatic nerve decided to give me so a strong shake that I couldn’t move for 8 days

Later on, maybe few hours after that blow,
my guardian angel (or a familiar higher dimensional been if you preferred) told me

that shake wasn’t only mine but an old
big female sorrow I contracted to dissolve before I came here on Earth as Sonia

Uh I thought… it’s hurting so much that has to be something big…and Yes I really could feel the profound sorrow .Those women not able to live free with they’re gifts as healers, herbalist masters, clairvoyants, psychics, creatives

While crying and shouting out, I was decreeing for all
wounded divine female collective’s energy
I felt it was ancestral

Later on I could see some Women’s
beautiful faces smiling at me with big thanks on their eyes đź’—
Other female persons right now are clearing old pains like I do It was said

an intense experience my Friends and…I’m fine again by the way :)
I like to share my story with you today because I believe it can help you to find out what
contract you are up to right now

To know our contracts,
except, understand and resolve them
bring us flow and
ease again
Dis-ease = lack of ease
Much love
Sonia đź’Ą


As within so without  April 2022 (with cuts from Jesus, Mother Mary and stellar-Mothers channeling by my Sister Ro)

Where attention goes, energy flows

We live immersed in a unified quantum, full of energies and quantum particles that transmit energy and information. We communicate like this, through this energetic sea. And within this sea we are all interconnected

 Your vibrations propagate in the quantum and you receive a response. At the same time your beautiful energies create positive waves that we can all benefit from.

This is why it is important to be vigilant about our thoughts.

 In this period it is even more important: “the Earth needs you to emanate light, love, joy. Vibrate in harmony with the Creation, feel at home, free, unique but united to the whole ".

 You deserve love, joy, happiness. We did not come down here to suffer but to grow.

You don't have to be serious, have fun and make your joy contagious!

Keep this state of well-being in your heart, make it yours.

 â€ś..She / He has yet to learn to love and respect her/his self. Only in this way will she/he be able to have respect and love from others. Everything must first originate inside you, and then see the result also outside. "

 Every little fulfilled gift or wish  requires a payment in return. In this case it is your attentionpresence and awareness  to what you think, do and say.

Everything can be done if it starts from the heart, only for the good or at least focused on not  causing harm to anyone.

 Don't give you away in to  negative energies of others. Love and let the other choose the feeling they prefer. If his/her is anger, it must not become yours, love and bring peace!

 Peace requires firm, decisive positions that do not falter with feelings ofguilt. The right decision for you must be defended without anger and arguments, but with calm and firm decision.

 Live! Observe: Listen. Receive. Love!

 Happy Easter to you


Old Song  March 2022

Are you dealing with some past story’s right now? Hearing old songs, remembering your self as child? Is that hurting you or is it different, magic and simple this time?

That’s what the full moon loves bringing to surface each time for us to look, sense, except and eventually to heal if we need to.

I had few old memory’s last days of my self as child with my mum, before she dramatically left quite early her body at age of 45. I was 13. I loved her very much and as you can easily imagine after her disappearance I was feeling devastated. I was also hangry with God at that time, suffering years long for her loss and loosing for more than 20 years faith in my childish good friend named Jesus.

Well, no sadness now. I can smile remembering her strange habit to overcook vegetables… so soft .. yuk! I didn’t like it!

No gloom by hearing and seeing hours of old preferred songs and preferred artists in those days.

Only sweetness, beauty and astonishment while exploring my secret space …made of peaceful and conscious acceptance of Changes

I really needed to do this, having some past pictures again…naturally I did .. and I do right now while I’m writing to you.

Of course as a “wounded healer” and twin flame I’ ve worked a lot on my issues already and I’ve learned a lot about “how to navigate life” … but is always more to do and so important to look back, to recognize where we stay, how much we have changed or grown

Because …ultimately we alone are making the difference in our Lives, in the way we react at things…there, we are making the huge difference

Much love


02.02.2022 Love is the Key

Hi my Friend, can you feel the pressure of Change?

In this last weeks and especially last days, I felt a big new Power
a different one and not necessarily always a pleasant one

A pressure, a push to do more and more..but my question was,
in what direction? Shell I publish more meditations, shell I work more on YouTube live videos, shell I make relaxing and uplifting Music, shell I Read and move more energy, shell I go around and spread Peace there where need it?
Or (this question didn’t come to my mind at all)

Shell I go in the suburb's schools and play and work with disadvantaged Kids bringing them some Attention and Love?

"how can I help the most people the most?”
(like Dr. Cielo is always saying)

Ok, the universe organized for me a two weeks primary School's Teaching
in one of the poorest area in Town (Catanai-Italy, where I live at the moment)

The Teachers there had lost hope on the Kids or probably they had lost them self hope and joy in Life. However they couldn't give them a chance to change and evolve anymore
But the
Kids were only 10 years old!!!

The first day I was really shocked, how can an adult be so hard to a 10 years old child? My heart and my stomach were terribly moved

From my second day I took any chance and extra Time to relate with the Kids and we started to know each other, have a personal one to one contact and most important a real dialogue and Fun!

The last day I arrived in the classroom 2 hours later, and all Class stood up and gave me an extraordinary welcome

With hugs (forbidden because covid) and spontaneous Love words

We had few more beautiful and laud (lol) hours together and then in the very last half hour

A quite gloomy energy starts to grow, a few tears and many lost young eyes were meeting mine

Than, they asked something to the regular Teacher and they went all together to the Blackboard (now whiteboard :)

To write what? Messages to me

The teacher was very surprised and payed me her compliments. Then she asked, it’s always happening like that when you go?

I wasn’t doing that special I thought. I naturally gave Kids due attention, respect and ultimately some Love

And…I was covered back. Love is definitely the key 💜



End of a Year Meditation 2021
I have combined a traditional yogic meditation with a personal grounding one to improve Presence and abundance in results. I hope you find it useful đź’Ą

1 Get into a comfortable position, sitting possibly with your feet on the ground and close your eyes
2 Feel the roots emerging from the soles of your feet and rapidly expanding towards Earth
3 Your spine now stretches in a cylindrical shape (Grounding Cord) towards Earth
4 Inhale from the roots and exhale towards the GC. Imagine receiving new energy useful for you from the Earth and expelling from the cylinder what is old and no longer needed (the Earth will transform and alchemize)
5 Continue like this for a few minutes, effortlessly, to re-change your physical and emotional energy… completely
6 Now let your breath go, it goes by itself. Feel a sense of new well-being

Your past 12 months
1 January, welcome all the images that come to you, let them flow lightly without dwelling on any of them for long
2 February, welcome and let it flow
3 March
4 April it doesn't matter how many images come to your mind… maybe none in particular
5 May
6 June
7 July ... Summer
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November, continue to welcome every memory or sensation
12 December
13 Keep a few moments through all the images and sensations of the year, all together
14 Be proud of the mastery you have had in facing and solving the most difficult moments and notice if you have changed so far. Accept your moments of weakness if they occur to you, without judging them
15 Now let all the images that you do not need or no longer want to flow down the GC while you feel the energy rising from your feet again with each breath
16 Now imagine a great intense golden or silver light that from your 7 chakra at the top of your head pervades your whole body and illuminates you
17 Expand this energy around you and in front of you, forming a great sphere that is getting bigger and bigger
18 Imagine the new year ahead of you, how it comes to you. Light it up with that energy and bless it in the truest sense of the word 🙂 Feel a sense of well-being and gratitude. Move your fingers and toes and come back.

Happy New Yearđź’Ą


21+12+2+21= 56= 5+6=

This is an incredible special date this Year... Vibrating with such amount of
High Frequency than ever before. Can you feel it?
You might already know the vibration of the number 11, showing up on the clock or all around you at the very important moment of your Life.
It's a
wake up call and is vibrating with frequency of Love, Mastery, Freedom and New Beginnings. Wow, what a perfect gift right now, yes!

Please take some time today to meditate and receive this fantastic energy
Also a good day to offer you  
one hour Session Live Reading
1 General
Energy Reading with the most important messages for you and your next step directly from your Higher Self
2 Check and recalibration of your
Chakras and Aura
3 May a
past Life Reading
4 May a message from a loved one who's already
passed away
5 May a message from one or more of your
Guides or Angels
6 Of course an Answer to your
Burning Question
7 And maybe something completely different (LOL)
Happy Solstice to you my Friend and much Love

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