About my Harmonic Meditation

3 levels

Harmonic meditation as I understand it interacts from a vibrational point of view at 3 levels

Yes, we have an e-magnetic field

We vibrate at both the atomic and subatomic levels (infinitely  small from our point of view).

Everything vibrates, everything is constantly changing energy, even what appears static or solid vibrates

Below are some examples of how our thoughts and emotions can cause harmony or disharmony in our entire system.

Harmonic meditation as I understand it interacts from a vibrational point of view at 3 levels:

1 Vibration of sound: which propagates throughout the physical, mental and subtle body or spirit

2 Mental vibration: created by the visualizations and affirmations of guided meditation

3 Emotional vibration: created by suggestions during guided meditation

A regular practice, enriched by a positive intention towards healing, resolution, openness to the expansion of one's consciousness and one's vibrational state, allows us to achieve vibrational coherence at all levels, giving us Harmony.

And if all this takes a long time to happen for someone, it will still remain an experience of profound relaxation and listening ;)





the science of sound made visible

Emotions Frequencies

Yes our emotions are misurable

Emotions, their frequencies and Chakras

A more detailed example on the vibratory quality of emotions corresponding to our energy centers, Chakras

Harmonic Meditation Live

Harmonic Meditation live

Harmonic meditation Live

4 Elements

Mantra in  Music

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